In recent weeks in one-to-one sessions, via email questions, and personal experience, I have witnessed a pattern of what appears to be out of nowhere a returning condition.
It felt like I had a return of fibromyalgia
A condition I cleared years back, it first took me by surprise; I quickly realized it felt like, but was not the condition. I... Read More
A few months back, you may remember I spoke of charm being ripped off the elf and leprechaun. There are about 10 articles I have written referring to charm.
Here are 3 you might enjoy:
Elf’s and Elohim
Charm and the pendulum
Bliss Versus Joy How to Distinguish Pure Energies
We put charm on our master chart under the section of a... Read More
I hope you are able to tap into the incredible activations we are doing in a real and personal way. As I prepared to do the Global (Vacuum Nation) clearing, I felt Lord Jesus and 23 additional spiritual elders surrounding me, ready to protect our work and assist in healing the global population.
During this Va@@ine clearing, I was led to do a gl... Read More
What are your consistent thoughts? Are they useful? Do they help you enjoy your day? Do you enjoy the flow? Are your thoughts in the happiness vibe?
One reason the human body breaks down is that our thoughts and what we feed our mind are not high enough energetically to produce ongoing good health. When I was depressed my recurring tho... Read More
There is a concept that is translated into our early emotional brain, that our parents love set point is how we will interpret God's largeness or smallness of how we can be loved. The funny thing is whatever mastery or impoverished experience you have with your papa doesn't really matter to GOD or God's caliber of strength for unlimited love. But... Read More
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