Can a 5-minute mediation change the way you view your day? Can it alter the way you perceive things? Could doing a morning meditation even cause your field to bring in more wonderful experiences than if you had not done the mediation?
In our classes, I am often asked can I do a meditation and do my homework and the same time, and a large majorit... Read More
I am so shocked to live in a new home and discover that I am supposed to be aging? What???? Okay, let me back up a little here. Obviously, I do not look 64. Apparently, you are supposed to look wrinkly and grey, have not taken care of your weight and falling into disrepair.
How have I come to that conclusion?
I was told in one year, I am fo... Read More
I've heard something that just does not ring true to me that we are systemically racists. I want to address this more completely, and it appears a new definition has now appeared to describe this new buzz phrase so let us take a look more deeply to see what is attempting to emerge as a new miasm (group mind virus).
Systemic is an adjective
... Read More
Pentecost in its origins refers to the Jewish festival celebrated on the fiftieth day after the first fruits. It was adopted by Christians and is a movable festival 7 weeks after Easter Sunday.
It related to the gifts of the spirit and the outpouring of these gifts, including speaking in tongues, healing, and prophecy.
We are currently in... Read More
This week I was asked to share my story with several people. the story from death to life. and in that story, there is a great deal of communication and connection with God, Jesus, and Angels.
You likely have heard I was in a terrible accident hit by a car walking. There was a "clump clump" and then dead silence. I had been knocked out of my b... Read More
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