What does faith mean to you? Is it a term you use in relation to your spiritual belief?  Is it a notion you have about believing in something, having faith something will work out even though the odds may not seem to indicate it will?  We were talking about this in my women's group this week and speaking of 'the faithful'. We had a chance to e...
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As we continue with the connected and Aligned program Forever 201, I am moved by the level of God's connection already showing up. We've completed 2 of the 24 incredible activations, and I am feeling such a presence of the Divine in my life and the academy. Committing to connection with God alignment. I believe this is the same commitment, or...
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The Mastery program has been so incredible this month with the soul-stealing topic. For our 3rd week on the topic, we looked at how we willingly give up parts of ourselves, caught up in the hypnosis of group mind. We addressed six unique issues in our program and began the task of aligning and restoration. Soul Stealing the topics this week  ...
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 As I prepare this content and let my mind dwell on the question of what is most helpful to share, I hear,  Seek ye first the kingdom of God.  If we took this literally, in each action as we progressed during the day, we would ask how can I serve purity and truth, how can I serve life and light and how can I love as God has loved? To seek i...
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