When you think about the process and results of Quantum Activation's, what comes to mind? Pumping, charts, meditation, clearing statements???  Today I’d like to walk you through how all the pieces work.  To access the Quantum field it is good to have cleared the right permission and ability as well as  align with God through prayer on th...
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We are witnessing miracles on such a ginormous calibration in our recent attention to the repair and revitalization of the Blueprint. It is mind blowing what our community is sourcing and transforming!  When Julie Renée was 'reassembling' lost spirits. It was so powerful, and I was crying with Joy. I will never forget this course! When she tal...
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Have you ever been told something that later you found out wasn’t true, you call the author of the untruth on it and they plunge a repertory of shame and blame your way? Well to my surprise that happened to me this week. Quick account and then what to do about it. I had done all the preliminary paperwork for foster care to adopt. That wa...
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Wow what a week! I am so sure good things are coming round the corner. The Door to Divine help is open and we are seeing an incredible outpouring of wisdom and are able to put this wisdom into action immediately in our training’s. This week we had a full 10 hours of online courses.          We identified the na...
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As we move through a time of surreal withholding or rights, limited social community and family gatherings, and wonder when we will get to the other side of this? I feel we could look at this as one more opportunity to resolve this too is part of the journey.  If you are waiting, holding your breath for things to open up, I suggest you take a b...
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