We have had a miraculous week in the blueprint and in the discovery of what has for eons been challenging humankind.
About 20,000 years ago an apparent horrific battle between light and dark took place. A fallen angel of some great power chose the darkness, and 32% of the angelic contingent at that time moved from beings of light to beings of ... Read More
As I have worked these past weeks to help shift the trajectory of human actions and life on planet earth, I have come to a conclusion I and we as a community must check and cross reference all actions and activities we choose to be part of in light of the service of light or darkness.
In this week’s ignite program we discuss how influences o... Read More
I’d like to spend a few minutes with you on the idea of providing. I’m not in this moment talking about a roof over heads, food and clothes but rather emotional and spiritual providing.
Although having a 3 year old in deep conversation does not always work, it is an interesting experiment to see about providing just the extra that calms the ... Read More
We’ve had many shifts energetically these past few weeks in our home. I have kicked up attention to the energetic makeup, our Essence and Perception neutralizing anything getting in the way of absolute great. I have followed that up with upping all our aspects related to both areas with 100% right permission and ability. Now we have done many... Read More
While working on myself this week I was drawn to look at who am I as an identity?This became a wonderful topic of pursuit and discussion in classes. This ideation came up previously while challenged to have my authority, especially with my daughter. When researching it I had only 70% authority, which naturally led to difficulties in parenting. Si... Read More