Often referred to as The Queen of Quantum Transformation, Julie Renee Doering has helped clients in the Pentagon, United Nations and private companies harness the regenerative powers of their bodies. Doering shares these life-changing secrets with readers in two, new quantum healing books and a self-assessment:
1. “The 100% You Formual’: How to Achieve More Energy, Vitality, and Focus by Clearing Hidden Blocks to Your Unlimited Success with Quantum Energy” (published by Balboa Press )
2. “Your Divine Human Blueprint” The Definitive Resource Guide to Altering DNA, Accessing Quantum Energy, and Regenerating Stem Cells for More Energy and Focus.”
The 100% You Formula Self-Assessment, a free learning tool is available at http://JulieRenee.com/ her website which contains awealth of information about her powerful brain-based method of regeneration and potent “from the inside out” programs.
“The 100% You Formula”
In “The 100% You Formula,” Doering decodes what she refers to as the human blueprint in an easy-to-understand manner by breaking it down to the acronym PEMER: perception, essence, matter, energy and realms. Doering also uncovers the role of quantum energy in the human body and how readers can utilize the quantum pump, shifting mind blocks to success.
“You can regenerate and clear parts of your systems that have gone to lower function using the quantum field,” says Doering who discovered the human blueprint.
“Having survived the worst of human health conditions, including an atomic bomb test, multiple cancers, 17 surgeries, life in a wheel chair and unbearable pain, I discovered the human blueprint, how the body regenerates and returns to 100% health,” she said.
Readers and critics are responding positively to “The 100% You Formula.”
Marci Shimoff, a New York Times best-selling author, says, “It’s rare to meet someone so gifted and clear about who they are and what they are here to do on the planet. She’s bringing a unique body of work to the world that is an important contribution to humanity.”
Former CNN anchor and author Sharon Frame writes, “For powerful, ambitious women ready to play it big, this book will show you how to energetically give 100% and produce a you that shouts your true value to the world!”
Your Divine Human Blueprint
“Your Divine Human Blueprint”is a groundbreaking book based on years of meticulous research. The 546-page book is the definitive resource guide to altering DNA, accessing quantum energy, and regenerating stem cells. Julie Renee’s easy-to-follow processes are designed to help people to literally transform their lives.
She has mentored hundreds of men and women who are powerful, successful leaders who are feeling exhausted and fuzzy brained. The unique road map she’s created in these books and her other programs, guides them to regenerate the brain, clear blocks, and become fully charged once again.
Julie Renee goes way beyond DNA to answer such questions as:
- What is The Divine Human Blueprint?
- How can we access our own blueprint and use it to achieve 100% health?
- What, exactly, is Quantum Energy?
- How can we access our own quantum field to supercharge health and vitality?
- How can we regenerate our brain?
- How can we reverse aging using stem cell rejuvenation?
Leading medical doctors and highly respected integrative health practitioners share their successes and endorsements.
Julie states that the energy she uses comes from the Quantum field, and that as mysterious as that may sound, she reassures all of her clients that it is readily and easily available and accessible.
“The major difference between energy work — be it Quantum, Reiki, Pranic or some other style — and the work I do, is that my clients and I use a technique called Cellular Quantum Mechanics.”
Cellular Quantum Mechanics accesses the Divine Human Blueprint to restore 100% health to the Master Stem Cell. This process begins the journey to living a life without limits.
“Just imagine having peak performance brain health, your healthy brain working at 100% compared to folks around you who have brain function at 50% or less,” she says.
Editors can see the press kit at: http://julierenee.com/presskit/
Find out more on www.JulieRenee.com or call 877-477-5521.
About the Author, Julie Renee Doering:
Julie Renee Doering was given the 2010/11 National Association of Professional Women’s Woman of the Year Award and received Powerful Women International’s Global Leadership Award in 2012. She was also presented an honorary ordination by Asclepion Church for her spiritual presence, generosity and wisdom. She has been featured as an expert on many prominent radio and television shows. Her articles have appeared in Spirit Seeker, 11;11, Holistic Fashionista and Accomplish magazines.