Elohim came from God cloud (GC) 6, 8, 11, and 14 there were 16 original Elohim. 2 from GC 6, 7 from GC 8, 1 from GC 11, and 6 from GC 14. They as well were creators and brought themself into being with the 2 elements Pure Creation Memory and Pure God Magnetism. 370,000 years ago the Elohim began to experience intention creation and individuat... Read More
We have collected 3 of the class prayers our participants found to be profound and are now adding these to the blog.
God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life and light.
We call upon your holy name, Elohim, Trinity, mother, father God, Jesus Christ, holy Spirit, come.
We ask for your presence and strength. We ask for your mercy... Read More
Not to discourage you from attending church, but to look at the laws and doctrines promoted in churches and how to understand the role of religion versus the role of your personal relationship with God. God does want us to be with others to pray and worship, and enjoy the company of other believers. Read More
Satan in the Schools: The Hypnotic Spell of the Masses First a little history lesson. ON JUNE 25, 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court declared prayer in public schools unconstitutional. Hugo Black wrote in the court’s opinion. “The constitutional prohibition against laws respecting an establishment of religion must at least mean that, in this country,... Read More
Who is that, that is no thing, that which makes the river flow freely?
This little verse became a chant for me 20 years ago as I pondered the movement behind all life. Who made the river flow, who breathed life into my body, and who brought me back to life more than once when it appeared my body was at the end of its time?
Is the nature a... Read More
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