It’s been an interesting week of meeting with our miracles winners and presenting some wonderful trainings and a theme this week has been making progress over time versus to an instant miracle.

Miracles show up in so many different ways, and we tend to only recognize the once that happen rapidly. Let’s take a look at how and why miraculous transformation may take place in different ways, and how to keep hope alive while in the process of the journey.

When looking at any transformation — health, love, wealth, and all areas of full self expression we must look to the longevity of the challenge. If you’ve brought this through your lifetimes, since the ancient times of Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient Egypt, let’s face it, this challenge has found many ways to anchor and embed. For a challenge like this we may be looking at doing many clearings, staying hopeful energizing the transformation with visualization and relaxing into the process knowing you can and will accomplish your goal but it may take a few years — really think of 2 to 8 years for a persistent issue that has dominated your lifetimes for thousands of years. If you give yourself permission to have this be the normal time, you won’t get frustrated or loose hope if it doesn’t happen instantly. It’s also good to test and get the affirmation that you’re improving even if you’re not seeing it on a physical level. 40% in 2 years was one test I checked on for a loyal devoted student this week. Be careful not to say I’m not getting any results, maybe the physical result will be seen and experienced in the final 2 or 3% that you clear a year or two down the road.

In these cases I encourage you to pray for insights and awareness and along the stirrings of your inner spirit to remember the details of the origins…perhaps in your sleeping and waking dreams.

When we look to Regeneration and the process of Cellular Neo Genesis the transformation can happen in two ways — in function, and in form.

Function is the improvement to normal of a specific gland organ system to its original function without any change in form. These tend to be the miraculous transformations that are experienced almost immediately and are much the result of clearing away all the interferences and programs that have caused the issue to become a problem.

Form is when we’re literally growing new or re-establishing a cellular structure that has been lost through illness, accident or degeneration. For example, my growing back my adenoids and tonsils after they’d been surgically removed is a good example of Form being restored.

With Growing Younger, if that is (and I think it should be) your quest, then there are 6 things you’ll want to be cognizant of as you move towards your youthful healthy renewed life after you’ve gone through the clearing and regeneration process.

  1. Meditation —  Energizing the regeneration keeping you in the quantum field of transformation daily
  2. Mental attitude —  Using affirmations and positive mindfulness, keeping a close watch of what you say and think about an challenges that may be shifting in the unseen world. We want to nurture the shift, not thwart it with negativity
  3. On a physical level — Inflammation must be reduced seriously to make progress on age reversal. This means perhaps changing diet, cleaning products, hair and skin products and even the fabrics that come in contact with your skin and improve this
  4. Activity — You must move your body and ask it to perform youthfully, cardio, yoga and strength training all really help with being fully present as a spirit in your body which is when you affirm I am well planted in my body and life and plan to stay here and active a long time
  5. Healthy diet —  Food, smells, what you listen to and watch…you want to nurture your being, body and essence to your best ability all the time!
  6. Additional clearings — and at times additional regenerations can be incredibly helpful once the process has begun. These are not immediate but as the first cycle or cascade of new cell growth is wrapping up do it again. You can do this by watching the replay or better yet doing a VIP one-to-one program where I can put my focused attention on you!

Have faith and Hope, know that you will accomplish your transformation in the perfect time!

I believe in you and your ability to transform.