Julie Renee Doering, Miraculous Living

A Life is Destroyed by a Miasm

The release of Leo Tolstoy’s book-made-screenplay “Anna Karenina” has sent me into realms I could not have expected. On first blush there plays out a difficult love triangle that turns sour as Anna falls in “love” (chemistry) with a younger man, Vronsky. This presents a significant relationship problem because unlike the men’s rule, to get married and then have your affairs, women were not held to the same standard.  It looks like Anna, due to the love affair and birth of her daughter —fathered by the lover — is naturally on a downward spiral she cannot survive. She begins to lose balance in life, to drink and use morphine to help her manage her emotions, till she can handle no more, and then kills herself.

So it looks like dear Anna, naïve of the ways of the world, thinks that she has the right to love and be loved, the same as a man who might find this infidelity as the solution to an unsatisfying marriage. But sadly, she finds she has “broken the rules” and finds herself with unhealthy relationships, abandoned by all her friends and loved ones.

The Pain of Miasm

The shock of such an extreme group mind agreement to cut her off from her friends and society cause Anna to become depressed, even delusional. This painful illness caused by a group “Miasm,” is the cause of her drug addiction and ultimate madness and death. 

Miasms and out of control chemistry are worthy topics of the Miraculous Lifestyle conversation.

Out of control chemistry is the theme of the novel as a beautiful, slightly ignored aristocrat leaves home for the first time since her 13 year marriage had begun and discovers she is the object of affection of a handsome younger military man who makes her breathless and careless as she first resists the affections, then dives wholeheartedly into out of control passion. With her relationship problems Anna, starved for attention and overly attracted to her young paramour, acts foolishly as she can no longer think.

Relationships are best formed first from friendship and then from passion. When chemistry is too strong, both men and women lose logic and reason and make many mistakes along the way. It is rare to have both lovers in the same level of “chemistry” so one will inevitably have more power than the other. Leading to unhealthy relationships. The person having the highest attraction will not really have the freedom to be themselves in the relationship because there is too much at stake; so they will withhold their authentic self and ultimately experience an unsatisfying relationship.

What I am more interested in with this film is the glaring example of a real miasm, which is a group agreement, not of love or support or caring and not based in truth. To see this on the big screen is exciting and helps me see with transparency the affects upon women from the societal shunning miasm, and how this form of miasm still happens in today’s era.

My client Mary’s story begins when she leaves her husband. His father was running for State Representative. His family had founded the town and the church and were completely connected and part of the elite community in southern Minnesota. Now the family did not have great wealth, but they did have five generations of land ownership and a vast number of members in the farming community.

Breaking the Rules

Although Anna’s “sin” was having an affair, her actual break with society is when she left her husband in favor of living with her paramour, Vronsky. Real marriage help was not available to her.

But Mary’s rule breaking had nothing to do with infidelity;  she was simply not allowed to leave the family. Once in, that’s where she was expected to stay.  All of her ex-husband’s family came to court during the divorced and they, like a brick wall, would not allow the children to stay with Mary.

A miasm like this makes a woman feel that life — her life — is worth nothing. Mary shared how her constant thinking in those early days after the divorced were constantly looping on the rumination  “life without my children is unbearable.” Thank God she broke the spell of this group mind and went on to live and love and laugh once again with the help of miraculous relationship and miasm healings.

A miasm like these extreme relationship problems, can cause thoughts of suicide. This was the case with our Heroine Anna. Imagine having many people all thinking you are unworthy. Much like a broadcast from radiation, these thoughts act like a deadly virus and enter an individuals psyche and create a cloud of hopelessness.

Anna could have lived with love. She could have survived the divorce and a new group of friends, but the hateful group mind was more than she could overcome.

In the Miraculous Living healing program, we remove miasms with little effort. In many cases, miasm is much like a curse, and will prevent a person from experiencing health and vitality as well as emotional, mental and spiritual health.

To find out more about the Miraculous Living healing programs and One-to-Ones please visit us at http://julierenee.com/

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