As I’ve been doing our world famous 21-day Accelerate Wealth premier program I’m filled with a deep joy and profound connection to the Divine. Part of the day 10 homework is to write a letter of gratitude to God for all that is working in your life. I humbly share with you my letter and invite you also to write a letter of gratitude!

Dear Beloved God –
Thank you for always hearing and loving me. Thank you for all the answers to prayers I’ve already received. Thank you for giving me beautiful, challenging Adelia who is smart, funny and from whom I learn so much. Thank you for her amazing good health, her incredible vitality and for all the challenges she gives us to solve. Thank you for a source of excitement and need to use my brain heart and body in ways I would not have without her. Thank you for my life.

I realize that having died twice, you supported my choice to live, you helped me make my life good and offer a contribution. For all that I’ve overcome and conquered I know I could not have done any of this without your assistance and your love.

Thank you for my work. I absolutely love mentoring and sharing the deepest truths you help me discover in the field. I feel profoundly grateful for all the wisdom I hold and all the truths that are being and have been revealed to me. I fully and deeply love the discovery and revelation that working side by side with you brings. Thank you for being my business partner.

I recommit to our path together in service for all of humankind and to trusting you more with the challenges and concerns I face, turning it over to you immediately, for I know how much you love me and want me to have a good life.

Thank you for all my children, the ones I have held, the ones I have lost and the child who is with me now. I love mothering and even though it has not been a bouquet of roses every moment the privilege and honor of raising and influencing children to nurture them to become their best self is a great honor.

Thank you for my incredible health, stamina and vitality. thank you for all the tools you have provided me to help me stay in the best health and thank you for loving me even when I am feeling unlovable and spent. For the grace you always shower on me. Thank you for the guidance you provide me through inner vision, inner hearing and dreams and signs. it is so powerful to have you in my corner.

Thank you for my clothes, home, furniture car and all the stuff I ‘have’ thank you for all the technology I have that supports my connections to folks globally that I teach and mentor, my family and friends.

Thank you for the earth, and all its riches, for beauty i the natural world and for awe and wonder. Open my heart so that I can experience it even more profoundly.

God, how can I truly express my love and appreciation for all that you are to me, the life you have gifted me and all you have entrusted me with?

I feel that I am inadequate to love you back in a way that would somehow match how much you love me, but I do love you as much as I can and as my understanding of love wisdom grows I send to you my devotion and love.

Help me to love more, to see with loving accepting eyes the broken part of people so as not to judge or dismiss, but to see them as you, so that I might truly be the vessel of your love on the planet.

Thank you for loving me so very much, for always providing caring for and being there for me.
I love you
your devoted daughter