Yesterday a reptoid came into my office for a brief moment, I spoke to her and she left. Today I continued the conversation on my walk home from dropping Adelia at school. I feel this is important to share with you now so I won’t wait for the Sunday newsletter to give you this content. 

My conversation with a Reptoid

Reptoid female. She asked why are you helping these people?

My answer is because I love them, they are worthy and I am aligned with God to help all that I can. 

More on that

Reptoid female: they are held down, have no power, they have lost whatever value they had, why help restore them? 

My response: Do you have those in your race who are held down in prison? 

hers: yes but they are nothing, they are like bricks, and they become the foundation of our great society. 

I saw with my vision exactly what was being done in China, and the super soldier hybridization and asked, are you doing this in China? She said: how are you seeing that I did not show you anything?

I ask, do you not see the past, present, and future?

she said: no we do not.

I asked: Do you have those who can see in your race?

she said: no we do not, but we have machines and weapons that can sometimes predict the future. 

My take away, that they do not have the gift of foresight, only the talent of strategy. They build off of the demise of others, and have no morality or awareness of right or wrong, just of succeeding, occupying, and dominating. They think they are making, for example, the building of Chinese soldiers as a better beings than a pure human, because the soldier is a stronger, more effective living weapon. 

But they are comparing the human who has been beaten down, controlled and robbed of their God-given gifts, rights, and abilities. They are not and cannot look at who God created us to be from source beginning. Her comments are from a present view of a corrupted human race. 

God made us pure, powerful, and magnificent 

Since they cannot imagine the past in a more accurate vision, they plan for a future, where they step on the heads of humanity to own our God-given domain. 

I hear another voice, beautiful, strong, and pure. It is Archangel Michael.  He contributes by saying what I am seeing and thinking ‘this is actually very accurate.’ 

As I write these words, those who are enamored with the Chinese movement are taken over by the alien races Reptoid and  Reptilian and their push towards the overthrow and elimination of the human and angelic races. 

They do not plan to entirely eliminate the body of humans but to replicate and occupy in bodies that work for them, meaning hybrid, somewhat synthetic. 

They are already cloning. the bodies we live in are about 80% cloned. The cloning is through our DNA. They found a way to inject and automate cloning 30,000 years ago through our reproductive system. Removing DNA fully prior to pregnancy is one step toward ending this.

I have talked in classes about the strange phenomenon of people looking exactly like someone else. and of children born to parents where there is no resemblance. 

In one of my January 2022 Blog articles, I explore DNA and cloning  

A sign of their manipulation is the strange occurrences in the sky, with the sun and moon setting and rising in the wrong place, the change of weather patterns making the weather heat up all day rather than heat up to mid-day and then begin to cool down. Weather weapons, help predict an outcome by changing and controlling a circumstance to support mind/consciousness control. but this looks so very obvious. It’s plain as day for people to see if they are just opening their eyes to see it. 

How to fight back against the tyranny of Evil and its plans for domination? 

Continue to work towards purifying and removing the corruptions of the human body while restoring what God has given you from a God-sourced beginning. 

Join the Forever and Mastery Programs. This is where we do the major work of restoration. We have just begun the Forever 501 program and already our minds were blown by the first session!!! 

The area in perception we knew as stimulation response was altered to manipulate and control us through satanic means and harmful low emotions. If you are not yet in the Forever 501, I encourage you to join right now before you miss the vital restorative work we are focusing on. 

The war on terrorism begins with activism. We counter evil with slow and steadfast alignment with God and with restorations. We now have one more piece of the puzzle they cannot see past or future, and so they do not know what God and we have planned. stand up for yourself by doing the unexpected, and returning to your God-blessed source creation state. This does not happen overnight, I see a 5-year process, just show up in classes and do the work. I had seen a deep state affecting us and has been around for 50,000 years. It is not a new thing. Let’s stand against evil by being who God created us to be. God is here with us now and is helping us every step of the way. 

Enroll in Forever 501

Enroll in Activate Quantum Mastery program