This week’s topic spiritual coherency will help you with experiential decisions. You’ll learn how to both access and use your love wisdom to make good decisions.

In life we’re often faced with the decision-making dilemmas. When it comes to dynamically choosing and jumping in, we’re typically moving toward one or two methods.  Typically we follow one of these two pathways:

  1. We make a choice using reason and logic. Another way to put this is we’re using our mental energy and mental faculties to make our choice.

  2. The second way to come to a decision is group influence, we observe what others are doing. For example, there’s a teacher who’s doing something and it’s getting a lot of publicity or they have a really big following, and your confidence is boosted in your choice because you can go with the crowd and if everybody else is doing it, it’s probably good.

But the truth is when we act from our mind or from group mind we aren’t necessarily using our discernment and our innate ability to choose wisely 

When I think about heart wisdom, what some  might call it intuition, this is more of an organic, natural, pure  way of connecting with your divine wisdom supporting you in living a truly blessed life. 

So how do we move from what we’ve always done with choices and section making to a discerning path of love wisdom?

The first thing you need to do is be convinced that choice made from love wisdom aligns you with you best possible life! Aligning choice with heart and spirit and feelings/sensations.Essentially you’re paying attention to what the body is giving you. Listening in this way produces the strongest life path.

Personal reflection:

This week when considering a move, I listened to my body that felt uncomfortable with the realtors contracting to list my home. The discomfort was followed by a few knowing questions: if Adelia were not part of the equation would I be anxious to move to Minnesota? No, I don’t enjoy the weather, and the homes I’d begun to view online didn’t spark the happy-home feeling. The weather I grew up in, which is harsh and extreme, would not be enjoyed.

I checked into the idea of moving to Minnesota ..mentally. Okay so, a move closer to family might provide more family support. But I don’t actually know that I personally would be living a joy-filled life. 

So the mind may want a change. A mental decision is based on outer circumstances. I know this has been a difficult year with both the loss of our baby boy and Adelia’s disability. Mentally I want a break. A dramatic shift would perhaps temporarily break the spell, adding the dynamic of packing, moving, relocating to a new home, finding a new church, school, social club etc. but this would not resolve the problems we’re currently experiencing. If we move we’ll move because it’s a strong, good choice for us and we’re in a good place.. 

So this was a mental decision: move to resolve issues with my beautiful daughter. But my body and heart knowledge is saying hold on and slow it down. 

Choices made from spiritual coherency feel good to you. It’s one thing to have others tell you what they feel or think or make a decision to shift from the mind, it’s a whole other thing to align with heart wisdom. When you do this alignment you take yourself out of the steamroll energy of mental decision and feel into the truth of your life. 

A physical validation of this shift to aligning; I went in for my weekly weight hormone coaching session, and surprised everyone—my blood pressure reading was spectacular, I dropped 3 pounds of fat and added muscle. The coach Jessica, who is an MD, stared at me and asked how did you do that as Adelia was screaming and hanging from the walls? Alignment. Listening. Moving from the mind to the heart.

How do you choose?

We have a wonderful home study Intuition, Inner Vision, Discernment & Knowing class that would help you move toward spiritual coherency and great choice!