100% Full Body Ownership

Without full body ownership you may struggle to get ahead, never really get a good night’s rest, suffer from frequent headaches, get in car accidents, endure. To Own Your Body means that you are the producer and director of your own show.
Learn More100% Success

This program teaches you the fundamentals of using the quantum field for clearing millions of blocks to your mission mastery and helps dreams manifest!
Learn More100% You

A great place to start! Together we’ll clear challenges in perception easily and understand how the Your Divine Human Blueprint works in a simple and basic formula. Perception, Essence, Matter, Energy & Realms: Genesis, Embodiment, Quantum and Amplification. Apprentice Level.
Learn MoreAccelerate Wealth from the Inside Out

This powerful 21 Day Wealth breakthrough Program will turn you into a wealth Magnet. Together, we will open your energy field for receiving wealth miracles that happen every single day!
Learn MoreAccelerate Wealth from the Inside Out

This powerful 21 Day Wealth breakthrough Program will turn you into a wealth Magnet. Together, we will open your energy field for receiving wealth miracles that happen every single day!
Learn MoreAdvanced Essence

We’ll be going through the entire Elements of Essence Master chart with one thought in mind, if things are listed as can be damaged, missing altogether or owned by another I’ll be doing everything I can along with your pumping to correct all of these issues for each one of the participants.
Learn MoreAdvanced Interferences 9-40

I’m rolling out the details on advanced interferences. You’ll get all the details of what it is, how it came to be in your space, directions for clearing, and a good road map to the important details of origin, anchoring and clearing permanently.
Learn MoreAliens

We’ll be going for it with a massive clear out day removing all 10 varieties of troublesome alien invaders. Our focus will be on the alien disappearance, along with its anchors and purpose for inhabiting one or more aspects or parts of our blueprint.
Learn MoreAmplification

Focus on super-charging your access and strength of the law of attraction field which helps you bring in money, live a successful life, regenerate your cells and attract love.
Learn MoreAngels as Helpers

There has been a steady and consistent request to understand our helpers, the angels from our community, and in response, we’ll all be looking into and researching the Angelic Community in this ‘Angels as Helpers Training’.
Learn MoreAngels Revealed

We will reveal angels who stand with us, and identify the groups that end up being a spiritual interference, or creating a interference frequency as revealed in our advanced interference chart.
Learn MoreBalance & Consistency: Finding Your Strength and Foundation in a Changing World

Life is never perfect, we learn from the messy stuff, and I promise you you signed up to grow and progress on your evolutionary path towards an enlightened, awakened fully self expressed life. Join me for a big clearing breaking free of the chains we created that keep us down.
Learn MoreBeautiful From the Inside Out

Grow younger and more beautiful without surgery and laser treatments enjoy this 60 day program for enhancing womens beauty naturally!
Learn MoreBeautiful Lighten Up Program

If you are ready to lighten up and shed your fluff you now have an incredible option to shift your relationship with your body in quite possibly the most effective lighten up weight reduction program ever!
Learn MoreBeautiful Sexy Confidence

We’ll put an end to confusion, self-sabotage and the shrinking flower syndrome and help you clear away the self-defeating programs that hold you back.
Learn MoreBeautiful Sexy Skin

Clear rashes, irritations and hyper pigmentation. Tone-up and tune-up the skin on your whole body.
Learn MoreBelonging: Restoring Love from the Start

Whether you were warmly greeted and welcome with love at your birth or you were the unwanted little stranger in a house of chaos, you have a right to feel loved and cherished. We’ll be clearing what your mind did with the illusions you were born into and the physical circumstance that would have had you feel less than wanted or loved.
Learn MoreBest Breast

If you’re ready for healthier breasts, want to remove the possibility of breast cancer or have a desire for enhancing the size or tone of your breast tissue this program is for you.
Learn MoreBest Me Ever

In our new Best Me Ever training you’ll be getting fine tuning on feeling great, clearing away birth and family issues.
Learn MoreBetter Sexier Me – Healing the Orgasm

Special training for women only healing the sexy parts of me for greater pleasure and fulfillment.
Learn MoreBetter Sleep

Sleeping problems are miserable. In the resolution of sleep issues we turn to clearings and regeneration, for the answers.
Learn MoreBladder Health

Bladder clearing and regeneration. Time to relax and enjoy life once more.
Learn MoreBliss: The Happiness Factor

If it’s been way to long since you’ve felt real joy, and real pleasure on a regular basis it’s time to think about getting into the Bliss Zone.
Learn MoreBlueprint Basics

Get started with your trainings on the right path as we explore the 4 main elements of Your Divine Human Blueprint, You’ll enjoy the complete overview of how each part of the blueprint functions with the role it plays and how they interact with all the other parts.
Learn MoreBlueprint Empowerment: Willpower, Constitution and Presence

If your willpower has left you and you find yourself weak-minded and undisciplined, or just unable to follow through in the way you know will make the difference you may be in need of a willpower tune-up. We will do some powerful clearing charts and a quantum pump to set you free to be all that you can once again!
Learn MoreBlueprint Realms

We’ll be looking at how and why these realms are in service and support to our human experience and how best to nurture and invite more support and full function from each of these realms.
Learn MoreBody Trauma Detox: Removing Toxins

Using a quantum pump technique we’ll begin to heal the body from the shock of toxic exposure, taking the nervous system to a new refreshed and more easeful place as we begin to peel away, and disappear the damage of toxic load on our precious wonderful bodies.
Learn MoreBreathe Deep

Restoring the respiratory system to awesome rejuvenations of lungs and much more.
Learn MoreBrilliant Brain

If you’d like to have a full brain rejuvenation and learn the process never before offered, this is the best choice.
Learn MoreClear Vision

Best vision training from Your Divine Human Blueprint resource guide book and meditation for improved vision
Learn MoreClearing Sleep Invaders

Put an end to nightmares, sleep disturbances and being overtaken while sleeping by unwanted interferences NOW!
Learn MoreClearing Statements

In our very special 4-part training we’ll be getting you set up to have the skill to create a clearing statement, that can be used on its own or with a details chart.
Learn MoreControl Energy

Are you in control? Get to the bottom of who’s in control and what can be done to get you in charge once more of your life!
Learn MoreDeepening Your Awareness

Advanced program teaches deeper issues underlining spiritual parasites and all spiritual interferences clearings and in depth charts for reference.
Learn MoreDemons & Angels

We continue our Freedom from Spiritual Parasites and now separate what we’re clearing by category as well as our numbering system. We can now be more effective and rapid in our clearings of things that are similar to each other.
Learn MoreDesigning Your DNA

DNA can be changed for the better, learn how to remove the bad and generate new better DNA programs!
Learn MoreDisappearing Tumors, Cysts, Growths and Scarring

I’ll be helping you to shrink and disappear tumors, cysts and growths, and how that process actually works.
Learn MoreDivine Connection

Your connection with the Divine supports you in the miracles and wonder you can create, open to profound connection!
Learn MoreDNA of Peace: Realizing Serenity, Grace & Ease

Who would you be if you had no anxiety, no worry, no self doubt or recrimination? What if you were love unfolding every moment? This special clearing will introduce the DNA Obliteration process and focus on all family line issues around experiencing fully the blueprint of grace, peace and ease in your life.
Learn MoreDynamism

Direct from the Human Blueprint teachings, powerful renewal meditation: restores the 15 power and energy sources of the human Blueprint. Life saving and energizing
Learn MoreEnd of Allergies

Stop struggling with hay fever and food allergies. Get into owning your body on a whole new level with clearing and rejuvenation DNA focus.
Learn MoreEnding Addictions

Want to stop craving, obsessing and indulging in the wrong low vibe stuff? Let’s end your addictions together!
Learn MoreErasing Female Infections

Learn specific techniques for removing yeast infections, bacterial infections like vaginitis, viral infections like herpes and HPV and genital warts.
Learn MoreErasing Female Infections

Learn specific techniques for removing yeast infections, bacterial infections like vaginitis, viral infections like herpes and HPV and genital warts.
Learn MoreEssence

Learn about your essential nature and restore spirit, soul, life-force, divine connection and high self.
Learn MoreEveryday Magnetism

Become magnetic to your heart’s desire and draw everything to you that you’ve ever hoped or dreamed of using the quantum field and the field of amplification.
Learn MoreExpress Yourself: Full Self Expression

We’ll be going back in time to clear away programs of limitation and disappointment. The need to hide, be shy, held back may have served you at one point, but are now impediments to your journey of being all of you and really enjoying the journey of life in the most amazing way.
Learn MoreFamily Members as Spiritual Interferences

We already know, or at the very least suspect, one or a few of our family members have super powers over us. They negatively show up, and we feel them messing around in our space.
Learn MoreFreedom from Spiritual Interference: The Clearing Class

Never before has such a comprehensive clearing program been offered by anyone, but now at long last you will get all the details of spiritual interferences.
Learn MoreGoddess Rejuvenation

Special event to help you restore your ovaries, uterus and inner sanctuary. You can feel happy and healthy and fully functioning once more.
Learn MoreGorgeous Goddess

Our focus is on being younger and refreshed on all levels. We’ll focus on tightening and toning skin, healing sun damage and feeling sexy with youthful glow!
Learn MoreGrow Younger

Cellular Neo Genesis, the restoration of the stem cells to 100% function and the growth of new cells in the body at 100% function is now possible for everyone!
Learn MoreHalloween Special Training

Our annual Halloween event takes on new meaning as we look and 2 angel types known to cause issues and problems for human kind and 3 kinds of demons troubling humanity for hundreds of thousands of years. We’re aiming for some fun and frivolity as we kick butt and get this buggers ousted for good!
Learn MoreHappiness Starts with Balance

In this wonderful results driven community course I’ll be taking you through the 8 elements of human satisfaction and balance and help you to embrace who you are as a full individual with all of you being attended to.
Learn MoreHealing the Mother Wound

Have you wished you could clear the wounding of a less than perfect birth or early beginning? This clearing will heal and restore you to a sense of profound ease and peace.
Learn MoreHealthy Hair Growth

Would you like to have better hair? Thicker, longer, more of it? The Quantum Activation’s training you’ve been asking for is now available.
Learn MoreHealthy Juicy Sex

Clearings addressing blocks and inhibitions to experiencing the joys of sexual connection. We’ll do a full house clearing of all we can find that would keep you from enjoying an amazing delightful sex life.
Learn MoreHearing Restored

If you’d like to hear clearly, and get back to more presence and enjoyment in your life, I’ve got an exciting offering for you.
Learn MoreHow To Meditate

Learn to meditate with breath, mantra, imagery and silence rejuvenate and renew!
Learn MoreHow To Meditate

Learn to meditate with breath, mantra, imagery and silence rejuvenate and renew!
Learn MoreI Am Loved

I am Loved clears the negative self talk and brings you to a state of grace and ease with yourself and others!
Learn MoreIndependence at its Best!

Have you experienced sorrow, grief, depression, sadness or melancholy? Celebrating independence we’ll be cleaning out the cobwebs of life and dusting out the cellar of sorrow, creating room and space for you to move into and fully live in joy without the dark shadows of your past haunting you.
Learn MoreIntuition, Inner Vision, Discernment & Knowing

The combination and activation af all 4 of these begin to develop a greater awareness, skill and spirit awareness with far-reaching benefits to you as you move into your life able to understand, interpret and move forward with any situation feeling you can access and know the truth of the issue.
Learn MoreKarma Clearing

Clear entanglements from this and past lives and get free of unwanted lower relationships, connections and the behaviors and effects from low energy outdated context for relating.
Learn MoreKingly Refresh

Special men’s event, quantum activations for ED, prostrate and testicular health.
Learn MoreKundalini Spark of Life

Liberation: Putting an End to Curses

Curses are nasty miserable things that came out of the patriarchal era. It’s a great day to do a deep dive on removing and disappearing some pretty funky energies, largely not yours to begin with that will change how others read and perceive you for the better.
Learn MoreLiberty! Emotion & Financial Freedom

In our month of freedom we look to the two aspects of life most connected to a successful life and starts to journey of clearing and manifesting in new and powerful ways
Learn MoreLove Detox

Love is in the air, and there’s no better way to start up the year than going through a big love detox. We’ll be clearing fears, and entitlements left over from the past that are crippling your ability to pull in a worthy presence.
Learn MoreManifest: Elevate Your Wealth Set Points

Have you had a sense of belt tightening and shoring up from a tight economy? We’ll do a full on reset of your Wealth Set points, which are the positions on your wealth gauge that inform you and limit you.
Learn MoreMastering the Quantum Pump

Time to learn more about the quantum pump and wonderful activation tools! Where did it all begin? Why different hand movements for different charts? And of course, what exactly are the hand movements.
Learn MoreMotivation & Consistency

We’ll be clearing the stops that have held you back and get you right, permission and ability in a new high set point so that you are the get ‘er done go-to-person that people rely on. You’ll be living your greatness with consistency and motivation on the things you choose are worthy of your full and undivided attention and efforts!
Learn MoreMuscle Testing 201

Muscle testing, also known as kinesiology, is a good way to have the body give information for treatment and the restoring of comfort and ease as well as alignment. Muscle testing is used as a measure of each clearing and regeneration, and it has been a magnificent tool for all of my students.
Learn MoreNo More Ghosts

Free yourself from spiritual parasites, intrusive thoughts, and enter the pleasure field.
Learn MoreOrbs, Phantoms & Ghosts: Halloween Truth-telling

Fun is afoot as well as some real clearings as we look at the foundations of Halloween and examine some real life phantoms, ghosts and orbs haunting the earth. We’ll be going through the details with an easy-to-read chart, some fun and playfulness as our Halloween event of the year.
Learn MoreOrigins - The Book

We’ll begin an exploration of our origins through poetry and revelation. And take a visually pleasing journey through the sacred passages in this text as we discover our true nature and how we came to be here on planet earth. Living, loving and expressing in the most extraordinary ways.
Learn MoreOrigins of Humanity

I invite you to discover who you are, really. How did the human race begin? How are we related to angels? Why does religion refer to a creator God? Who answers prayer?
Learn MoreOrks, Dwarfs & Dark Wizards

Halloween is here and we’re having fun and looking at the mythology and accuracy of some of our modern day cinematography and how it relates to real spiritual critters who exist and perhaps run a muck in our life.
Learn MoreOvercoming Fear & Anxiety

When you live with a level of either fear or anxiety or a combination of both, life is a struggle. You never know how you’re going to feel, what might trigger you or how you will manage if you’re out when it happens, on your own. Please join me to disappear that which does not serve you and is not you!
Learn MorePerfectly Clear

This program is the foundation for all clearings and regeneration starts. Clear realms, brands, programs and labels.
Learn MorePower Up: Boot Out Nasty Entitlements

Learn 13 unique entitlements that can stop you from being successful in your healing.
Learn MoreProphecies

We’ll be mapping out how prophecies affect you, what areas of the blueprint are most affected and how you can clear and keep these issues out of your space.
Learn MoreQuantum Baby Connection

For women ready to conceive, this effective training helps clear blocks to connection and conception.
Learn MoreQuantum Body Purification

Is your body a comfortable place for your spirit/Essence to inhabit, or is it musty and murky? No one is perfect, everyone has some of this, big or small and it’s a day to make peace and get clear.
Learn MoreQuantum Emotional Balance

First training of it’s kind to integrate the wisdom of the psychology and neuropsychology with the understanding of spiritual interferences and anchors along with rights and permission.
Learn MoreQuantum Healing Secrets

Most Powerful Introduction to using quantum energy to regenerate and rejuvenate the body nine modules. Activate your health from the quantum field.
Learn MoreQuantum Mantra

The voice raised in love, passion, devotion and melody reaches the high frequencies of creation and clearing. Quantum transformation happens more rapidly when both singing and intentionally pumping to clear a chart or enact cellular neo genesis is done in unison.
Learn MoreQuantum Mind: The Four Pillars of Human Mastery

Master your Quantum Mind by restoring the 4 pillars of full self expression: vitality, abundance, freedom, and self-expression.
Learn MoreQuantum Mindset Mastery

Brain booster you’ll attain peak performance, serenity, and transformation through brain training and 4 meditations.
Learn MoreQuantum Regeneration

If you’ve struggled with poor health, broken or cracked teeth, shrinking bones, nerve pain or poor functioning glands and organs and wondered, “Am I ever going to feel better again?” the answer is YES!
Learn MoreQuantum Removal of Infection

Part of having great health is being free of infections, yet most folks have several running at any given time. I’m pulling the curtains back on how to remove infections.
Learn MoreQuantum Success Activations

Success training: Learn to use the Quantum Pump and clear the 21 major blocks to success in business go fro underachieving to your dream life!
Learn MoreQuantum Transformation: Clearing with Meditation & Charts

Are you effective at clearing? Are you able to really clear and release during meditation? We’ll do a fine-tuning on your skills and abilities with quantum clearing using all quantum pump techniques.
Learn MoreRelationship Freedom

If you’re ready to be free to love and be loved now in this moment, learn to clear away the past and move forward to the magical love connection that is your birthright!
Learn MoreRemoving Violence & Abuse from Your Field and Body

What does it cost you to leave the left overs of violence and abuse in your field and body? Could life get better? What would change if the intensity were literally disappeared? I’d like to help you live in joy and freedom!
Learn MoreSeven Stages of Love

We’ll unlock the mystery of illuminated love relationships in this very special course exploring and clearing blocks for your full self-expression and blissful union with another. We reveal the 7 levels of love related to your vibratory frequency and love settings.
Learn MoreSexuality & Enlightenment

The core of sexual union is the greatest opportunity for couples to celebrate ecstatically the life and body they were blessed with. Clearing obsessive, addictive and hedonistic attitudes towards sexual union, opening to a deeper uniting of spirit and body, body and spirit awakening and in love.
Learn MoreSilky Soft Dreams

Discover the purpose of, and how to get into the best space for dreams that help you actually learn, grow, and get your answers while awake. This is not a dreams interpretation class, it is a dreams awareness training, that will help you dream more beautifully. We’ll be clearing out things that hold you back from the best dreams.
Learn MoreSimply Beautiful

Clear rashes, irritations and hyper pigmentation. Tone-up and tune-up the skin on your whole body.
Learn MoreSkyrocket Your Vitality

Restore vitality to your life and mission with joy and ease using quantum activations!
Learn MoreSomething's Got a Hold on Me

What prevents you from getting your full clearing? We’ll clear away everything that stops you from getting the VERY, VERY best life and best clearing and regenerative results.
Learn MoreSound of Truth

The magnificent mantras you’ll use to uplift transform and inspire your days with divine ecstatic bliss. Improve health wealth love and divine connection.
Learn MoreSpiritual Gifts

Whether you want to have more spiritual gifts or you have special gifts and you’d like to enjoy and appreciate them this class is for you! In our Spiritual Gifts program we’ll be clearing away things that both prevent you from experiencing your gifts and having full access to them.
Learn MoreSpring into Life

Living with poor joint function and pain can be a miserable state. This training will help you have great function and health of ALL joints in you!
Learn MoreStrengthening Your Blueprint

Is your Divine Human Blueprint wired to fuel and fund your endless vitality? You’ll get a chance to start the big clear out for vitality and personal power with a super duper clearing chart for your blueprint challenges related to vivacity.
Learn MoreStuff You Absolutely Need to KNOW

Being a good friend and lover may require just a few fine tunings to get it right. This class is required Human Knowledge about how LOVE works that your parents didn’t teach you.
Learn MoreSupple Spine

We’ll address the actual spine, bone and nerve structure with all its parts so that it bends and allows you a firm and strong place to support your core from.
Learn MoreTechnology Freedom

Marathon clearing includes Technology Cleared, You with Your Technology Cleared and Social Media Screen Time Addiction.
Learn MoreTechnology Tune Up

Learn how to keep your body, brain and energy pristine even if you have to use technology much of the day
Learn MoreThe Complete Money Manifesto

What is it that you’re saying about yourself and your future with money? How are you preparing for your future? You’ll get a wonderful road map for the physical aspects of moving forward as well as a powerful clearing that helps you settle into a spiritually right way of handling and enjoying the flow of money and wealth.
Learn MoreThe DNA of Happiness

Start the big clear out for vitality and personal power with a super duper clearing chart for your blueprint challenges related to vivacity. Troublesome programs like evil spirit curses, emotional timeline, satanic curses, ancestral contracts, family timeline, miasms and more will be disappeared as you open to a better version of you.
Learn MoreTimelines

Your timelines help you Evolve and Grow in extraordinary ways. They are a mechanism of your historical challenges and worthy issues brought forth again to be learned from.
Learn MoreTransmissions, Waves & Frequencies

Transmissions, Waves & Frequencies sent from governments, scientific laboratories and even nefarious organizations with a spiritual façade can be negatively affecting you. Want to know how to get out of this debilitating influence of projected vibrations?
Learn MoreUnderstanding Anchors

I’ve created is a training to get all your questions answered in the most comprehensive way on what anchors are and how interferences use them!
Learn MoreUnderstanding Your Blueprint

Fully Reveal All of the Secrets of the 8 Aspects of the Human Blueprint.
Learn MoreVision: See Clearly

See clearly once more, remove aging and degeneration program while regenerating the eyes optic nerve and visual cortex
Learn MoreVitality & Energy Alignment

Where does the drive to be active and fulfilling dreams come from and how do you get some if you’ve been sorely lacking for years in this department? We’ll work towards clearing all that we can in the direction of having full energy and life force for the full day and into the evening.
Learn MoreYour Best Year Yet: Mastering Mock UPs

In our first training of the year we’ll be getting into a type of goal setting called mock ups. Two dedicated hours focused on both mastering the technique of mock ups and getting the ‘goals’ down for the year.
Learn MoreYour Energy Body Restored

Restoring the Energy Body: Chakras, Aura, Golden Rings, Human Spirit Access Portal. A vital part of the human blueprint is “Energy” and it includes the support energy systems that both fuel and protect the body.
Learn MoreYour Light Body

Getting your body filled with light on a planet filled with dense people is easier then you might think! 5-dimension readiness is accomplished in this training.
Learn More